"Media of the Month" by Glen Helfand (Huffington Post, 10/2/11)
Artforum, by Gwen Allen (January, 2012)
"Best Of: Year Three" by Sarah Hotchkiss(Art Practical, August, 2012)
"Apocalyptic Apocrypha" by Dodie Bellamy (Belladodie, 10/2/11)
"Scanners: A Temporary Used Bookstore" by Sarah Hotchkiss (KQED, 10/4/11)
"Addicted to Print" by Garrett Caples (San Francisco Bay Guardian, 10/4/11)
Evan Karp in the Chronicle (10/6/11)
Kimberly Chun in the Chronicle (10/6/11)
Roll Call: Bay Area Arts and Culture, and interview with Matt Borruso and Nick Hoff by Margaret Tedesco (10/8/11)
"Pop-up bookstore sells permanence, for a limited time only" by Casey Miner (Crosscurrents, KALW, 10/11/11)
"The Scanners Project" by Zach Vasquez (Creosote Journal, 10/12/11)
"Book Pop-Up to Browse Through" by Lydia Chávez (Mission Local, 10/23/11)
Resonant City (10/23/11)
On Books
Database of books about books and bibliography
Other People's Books
33 1/3
Bookshelf Porn
Print and Digital
"Imagining a Swap Meet for E-Books and Music" (New York Times, 3/7/13)
G. Thomas Tanselle on books in the electronic era
G. Thomas Tanselle on the "Future of Primary Records"
"Literacy Debate: Online, R U Really Reading?" (New York Times, 7/27/08)
"Like the Best Zombies, VHS Just Won’t Die" (New York Times, 10/26/11)
Bookselling and Publishing
Art Catalogues at LACMA
Bookstores for Gazers," by Randy Kennedy (New York Times, 8/16/12)
Librería Lello
Paper Cavalier
Reading 2.0
"Publishing Gives Hints of Revival, Data Show" (New York Times, 8/9/11)
Deyermond Art + Books
The Bookstorming société of booksellers (French)
The Monkey's Paw
The Northern California Independent Bookseller's Association
"Independent bookstores add a new chapter" (Washington Post, 8/12/11)
City Lights Booksellers and Publishers
"End Of Days For Bookstores? Not If They Can Help It" (NPR, 12/14/10)
Printed Matter, Inc.
The Owl Cave
"The 20 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World" (Flavorwire, 1/31/12)
Archives and Libraries
The BookServer project
Article on Brewster Kahle's project to archive a print copy of "every book ever published"
Public Collectors
Temporary Services' Self-Reliance Library
Public Fiction
The Prelinger Library
"An Online Library of Handsomeness" (Urbandaddy, 2/29/12)
Digital Dark Ages
"In a Flood Tide of Digital Data, an Ark Full of Books (New York Times, 3/3/12)
The Archive Team
"When Data Disappears" (New York Times, 8/7/11)
"Audio Recordings Of U.S. History Fading Fast" (Huffington Post, 9/29/10)
"Scarcity or Abundance? Preserving the Past in a Digital Era" by Roy Rosenzweig
The Printed Object
Invisible Exports
American Bookbinders Museum
Books City Jackets
"Conceptual Inspiration, by the Book" (New York Times, 2/28/13)
University of Reading's Typography and Graphic Communication Department
Books as riot gear
The Dor, "a digital archive of out of print artist books"
5B4: Photography and Books (blog)
Mark Mulroney's library
Specific Object
50 Watts
Typophile book recommendations
Ephemera Assemblyman
"Book Lovers Fear Dim Future for Notes in the Margins" (New York Times, 2/20/11)
"Selling a Book by Its Cover" (New York Times, 1/5/11)
Huts For Woodbutchers and Trolls
Used Books
The Contemporary Artists' Books Conference
Book Pussy
New York Art Book Fair
"10 Gorgeous Buildings Made Out of Books" (Flavorwire, 10/27/12)
Future of the Book
Collection of articles on The Millions
Rochester Institue of Technology conference on the future of reading
The Institute for the Future of the Book
The E-book
"Imagining a Swap Meet for E-Books and Music" (New York Times, 3/7/13)
"The Dog-Eared Paperback, Newly Endangered in an E-Book Age" (New York Times, 9/3/11)
"E-book Revolution Upends a Publishing Course" (New York Times, 7/17/11)
"Why The Book Business May Soon Be The Most Digital Of All Media Industries"
"Google Opens Doors to E-Bookstore" (New York Times, 12/7/10)
"E-Book Boom Changes Book Selling And Publishing" (NPR, 12/21/10)
"Does the Brain Like E-Books?" (New York Times, 10/14/09)